Thursday, March 7, 2019

Permanent Fat Loss With Low Carb Diets

Permanent Fat Loss With Low Carb Diets

Carbohydrates give you the energy required by your body throughout the day. Some carbs can help you lose weight quickly. Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, dairy and whole grains. Time and again carbohydrates have earned a bad reputation. There are many people who think that carbohydrates should be eliminated from diets in order to lose weight permanently.
What exactly is a low-carbs diet? A low-carbs diet is a diet which limits the intake of carbohydrates on a daily basis. People generally resort to a low-carbs diet for a quick weight loss fix. If you too are eliminating carbs from your diet, think again as lack of carbs may have a negative impact on your health.

Carbohydrates give you the energy required by your body throughout the day. Your body tends to use these foods to form glucose, which is your body's main source of energy. But, there is a misconception which many people believe that eating carbs can make you fat. Luckily, that's not true at all. As excess of everything is bad if carbohydrates are eaten in large quantities it will contribute to weight gain. In fact, carbohydrates are the healthy addition to your diet and are considered among the top five nutrients your body needs daily.

All foods have three essential nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. Carbohydrates consist of sugar, starch and fiber that are beneficial for your body and provide your body with energy. Each nutrient plays a vital role in performing the functions of the body. Carbohydrates are converted to energy more quickly than protein or fat. They help keep burn the protein from your muscles and organs and they help in metabolizing the fat. Moreover, carbohydrates are also vital for the brain function.

Like all the nutrients even carbohydrates are also extremely important for your overall health. Your brain basically runs on sugar. Converting the glucose in your muscles takes longer and is not as efficient as converting the sugars in carbohydrates. Avoiding all carbohydrates may make you feel mentally sluggish, irritable, inactive, low on energy and confused. Completely eliminating carbohydrates from your diet may also lead to headaches and dizziness. However, it is very important that you include the right carbohydrates in your diet.

Some other health benefits of carbs include regulating mood, weight loss, maintaining a healthy heart,  reducing the risk of cancer, improving sleep pattern and aids in digestion. They also boost metabolism, improving athletic performance, increase energy level, improving muscle mass and promote satiety keeps you full for longer a time.

Carbohydrates are a major source of fuel and can be divided into two groups: simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbs, also called simple sugars, include fruits and refined sugars. Simple carbohydrates are broken down quickly by the body to be used as energy. Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. These foods are healthy and you can include them in your diet. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, raw sugar, brown sugar, pastries, desserts, syrups, and soft drinks. Therefore limit the intake of these foods in your diet.

Complex carbs, also called starches, are found in whole grains, beans, legumes, corn, quinoa, barley root vegetables, brown rice, whole grain pasta and whole grain breads. These foods can be easily incorporated in a healthy diet. Complex carbs that are refined become refined starches such as white bread and flour, processed cereals, baked goods, white pasta and white rice and these should be avoided.

Top 10 Carbs To Help You Lose Weight:
Sweet potatoes
Whole grain bread
Roasted chickpeas
Black beans
Green peas
Brown rice

Carbs And Permanent Weight Loss:
Including whole grains- rich in carbs, may help reduce the total body fat and that stubborn belly fat. Eating a breakfast comprised of foods those release carbohydrates slowly such as oatmeal or bran cereal may help burn more of your body fat. Also, slow-release carbs do not spike blood sugar as high as eating refined carbs, such as white toast. In return, insulin levels do not spike because insulin plays a role in signalling your body to store fat, having lower levels may help you burn fat.

Hence, you should be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates and add variety, color, and flavor to your meals. Whole grains such as corn, whole wheat and brown rice are the healthiest sources of dietary carbohydrates. Also, do check the nutritional label of packed food item that includes total carbs, dietary fiber and sugar. 

Not all carbohydrates are equal. There are refined and complex carbs. One should be careful while choosing these carbohydrates. You should avoid refined carbs, white flour and the food made from it including processed foods like chips and biscuits. Rest all the other carbohydrates are good to add in your diet without any worry of weight gain.

Low-Carb Foods And Weight Loss:
Eating low-carb foods when on a weight loss regime is one of the most popular trends of the present times. Diets which involve low-carb foods are known to cause around 2 or 3 times more weight loss as compared to the standard low-fat diets. Going on a low-carb diet is also known to improve HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the body, improve levels of blood pressure and also improve triglyceride levels in the body. These are some of the reasons why low-carb foods have gained so much popularity in the wellness and health industry. Low-carb diet is good for managing the good cholesterol levels in the body.

Top 12 Low Carb Weight Loss Foods:
1. Asparagus:
Apart from potatoes, carrots and turnips, most vegetables come in the category of low-carb foods. The least amount of carbs are present in asparagus and mushrooms, with less than 2% of carb content. They also have high protein as compared to other vegetables.

2. Avocado:
Avocado is a super foods which has fats, fibre and potassium and very less carbs. 1 avocado contains nothing more than 20 g carbs. Avocado can be included in your diet in the form of salads or even as a snack.

3. Cheese:
Cheese being low-carb is the probably a highlight of low-carb food. However, yellow, processed or cream cheese does not come in this category. Feta, cottage cheese and halloumi are the kinds of cheese you can include in your low-carb diet.

4. Cucumber:
Cucumber has only 4% carb content. Cucumber is low in calories and can be a great snack for people who are unable to drink enough water in a day. This is because each cucumber contains more than 95% water content.

5. Dark Chocolate:
Dark chocolate with low sugar content is an amazing food to be included in a low-carb diet. You should pick the variant which has 70 to 90% cocoa and low sugar. When consumed in moderation, dark chocolate can help in reducing blood pressure and risks of heart diseases. What's more is that dark chocolate has only 25% carb content.

6. Eggs:
Undoubtedly, eggs are the best breakfast option in a low-carb diet. Eating eggs in the morning improve your satiety and make you snack less later in the day. This is because of the protein content in eggs, which brings down the hunger hormone.

7. Kiwi:
Kiwi and watermelon are low-carb fruits which can help in quick weight loss. Cranberries, grapefruits, rockmelons and strawberries are other instances of low-carb fruits.

8. Meat:
All kinds of meats have fewer carbs. These include lamb, chicken, beef. Organ meats, however, do have carbs in small quantities. You should go for lean meat options like chicken breast for quick weight loss in a low-carb diet.

9. Seafood:
Fish and seafood have very less carbs, with the exception of shellfish. Sardines, white fish and salmon are all low-carb fish. Fish consumption is also important for human health as it contains omega-3 fatty acids which are good for joint health, brain and heart.

10. Veggies:
Cauliflower has nothing more than 5% carb content. Other veggies like bell peppers, egg plants, Brussels sprouts and green beans do not contain any more than 6 to 7% carb content.

11. Walnuts:
Walnuts and pecans are low-carb nuts which are rich in fibre, Vitamin E and omega fatty acids. They have only 14% carb content, which is much low as compared to cashews, almonds and pistachios - which have about 22 to 26% carb content. Even though nuts are low in carbs, they are high in calories and thus their consumption should be checked.

12. Yogurt:
Yogurt has only 5% carbs and can be eaten for breakfast or snack in a low-carb diet. You can opt for Greek yogurt as it has fewer carbs and even contains proteins and vitamins.

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Permanent Fat Loss With Low Carb Diets

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Top 12 Belly Fat Loss Diet Options For Breakfast

Top 12 Belly Fat Loss Diet Options For Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast option goes a long way to set the right trend for the rest of the day. This is more important when you are on a belly fat loss regime. Here are Top 12 Belly Fat Loss Diet Options For Breakfast. Mix and match the food and drink options to get the best results in achieving your weight loss goals.

Top Belly Fat Loss Diet Food Options For Breakfast

1. Almond Butter:
Nut butters like almond butter are linked to weight loss. Almond butter is also a source of healthy fats and medical experts say that people who consume almond butter for breakfast are less likely to be overweight than the rest. It is a rich source of fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats. Just spread some almond butter on whole-wheat or multigrain bread and you are good to go.

2. Eggs:
Eggs are standard breakfast option for most people. They are delicious, easy-to-prepare and super-healthy. Eggs are a rich source of protein which makes them very filling. An omelet made from just 2 eggs is good enough to keep you full for approximately three hours, till lunch time. As a result, you consume lesser calories. Research shows that people who consume eggs for breakfast lose up to two-thirds more weight than others.

3. Fresh Fruit:
Fruit constitute a delicious and healthy breakfast option. They add vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber and protein to your diet. Include citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit to your breakfast, they will make up for your daily requirement of vitamin C. Berries are a rich source of antioxidants which keeps free radicals away, thereby protecting your body from oxidative stress. Add fruit to your yogurt, shakes and oatmeal to make the most of its benefits.

4. Greek Yogurt:
It is creamy, delicious and very healthy. Greek yogurt is prepared by separating the whey and other liquids from curb, making it thicker and more concentrated in protein. Protein is good for you because it keeps you full for longer and boosts your body metabolism as well. They are also a good source of probiotics which promotes a healthier gut. Add some berries and chopped fruits to enhance its flavor and nutritional value. This breakfast option will help you lose weight in the long run.

5. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is a source of complex carbs and is the perfect breakfast option for cereal lovers. It is a rich source fiber, vitamins and minerals which keep you full for longer, thereby killing hunger pangs. Oats are one of the healthiest grains on the planet and are known for their weight loss benefits. Just a bowl of oatmeal topped with some fresh fruit can be the perfect breakfast option for you.

6. Peanut Butter:
Nuts and nut butters can also promote weight loss. They are a source of healthy fats and keep you full for a long period of time. They are linked to reduced hunger pangs and an increased sense of fullness. All you need to do is spread some peanut butter on a multi-grain bread toast.

7. Protein Shake:
One of the best sources of protein is protein powder. Whey protein is recommended for breakfast because it is easily absorbed by the body. Add fruit, nut butters and other ingredients to make it a nutrient dense breakfast option. Just one glass of protein shake will keep you satiated for a long time, thereby preventing you from mid-meal snacking.

Top Belly Fat Loss Diet Drink Options For Breakfast

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
We do not recommend you do simply drink apple cider vinegar as it can burn your esophagus. Apple cider vinegar offers many health benefits, including weight loss, improved digestion and boosts metabolism. Apple cider vinegar contains an ingredient called acetic acid, which can prevent a person from gaining body fat. You can mix two teaspoons of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with 16 ounces of water, and a little raw honey to sweeten it up. Sipping it throughout the day can help boost metabolism, burn calories and help you lose weight. Vinegar has long been used as a weight loss aid as it also helps to make you feel full, and has been scientifically shown to increase satiety or the feeling of fullness.

2. Green Tea With Ginger:
We all are aware of the benefits that green tea offers. It is made from unfermented leaves and contains high concentrations of antioxidants known as polyphenols. Green tea appears to be the secret to the fat-burning and metabolism boosting effects. Drink around 3-5 cups of green tea every day for maximum benefit. Organic green tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can consume. Add a 3 gram piece of ginger to boost health benefits.

3. Lemon Water:
Lemon water may be extremely simple and an effective way to get rid of belly fat. All you need to do is mix the juice of a lemon into a glass of water. It offers tons of benefits, including the ability to raise the metabolism and burn belly fat. You can whip up some in a large water bottle and sip on it throughout the day for the best results. Not only will you stay hydrated, which keeps the metabolism burning at its maximum but lemons contain flavonoids with potent antioxidant properties that will help protect your cells from damage. Lemon water also aids in digestion, helping the body to absorb the nutrients from other foods and it aids in regulating insulin spikes too.

4. Fresh Vegetable Smoothie:
Fresh vegetable juices with spinach, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables, are a great way to flush out the harmful toxins out of your system to support weight loss and a faster metabolism. Vegetables that are packed with potassium are especially good for flushing out sodium that keeps the belly bloated. One great trick for weight loss involving vegetable juice is to drink a big glass just before a meal. Similar to drinking water before eating a meal, it is likely to help reduce the amount of calories you consume by making you feel fuller for longer.

5. Water:
Staying hydrated is extremely important for metabolism. Cold water, in particular, is said to help the body burn more calories, as it requires that energy to heat it up and digest it later on. While it may only be a small amount, every little bit counts. For added benefit, drinking a glass of water before every meal can help you to consume fewer calories as you will feel full.

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Top 12 Belly Fat Loss Diet Options For Breakfast